Friday, 9 August 2013

Openness to the Life-world
The life-world consists of personal, social and cultural world. Man evolved his life-world with his social requirements, building system that help him to tackle the problems of his life, but as modernity arose to its zenith man lost his sensitivity, resulted in abandoning the deep rooted culture for a rational outlook which in turn plunged him a state of “forgetfulness”- a term coined by Heidegger. Man delved into the flux of modernity disregarding his duties to nature. Here comes the relevance of Habermas, who insisted on an interactive relationship between life world and the system, based on truth, truthfulness and rightness, which when implanted to the whole realm of cosmos, would reveal the defiance of man towards the nature. So it is high time to renew the life world through communication. A question may arise that is this possible? An example of the African city of Kijali in Ruvanda is a typical example. Here people are poor so they don‟t have ultra modern facilities to counter solid waste, even the population density is more than that of Kerala, people are not as literate as us, but they were bold to renew the life-world to tackle the problems successfully, thus strengthening their bond with nature.

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